If you lose, just reload the page! Restart doesn't work in the browser version. Loading may take time.

The game was made by one person (me), in three days.

Top #1 audio and visuals

Top #4 Overall


Walk with WD or <>; Jump with Space, W or ^; Hold Shift for run

Made for:

Untitled Game Jam #37


Mac Ducks Revenge 70 MB

Install instructions

FOR Mac:

1. Download "Mac"

2. Open folder Ducks Revenge.app/Contents/MacOS

3. Run "Ducks Revenge"

Development log


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Hey, could you make a windows file? Running on browser is a hassle but I'd love to play the game.

I'll try, perhaps in the coming days it will be ready.

Deleted 4 years ago

Ok you made this game in 3 days. took 1 minute to load the game on the web.  i didn't mind after i did 5 time refresh was annoying  also the first level  was confusing with the rug bear i tough it was part of the game decoration. i didn't know if i need it to run fast or jump over it because i kept getting eaten i try it 10 try couldn't pass the first part of the level  with the rug bear. i wanted to download the game at that point but there was no window download maybe next time make level 1 more easy and explain the enemies you should of made a restart key so people didn't have to keep refreshing the page and wait 1 minute  every time.  i wish i could actually play the game :( art look really good and music. maybe you should  had use the 6 day to test your game and do a bit of research how to make a key button to restart  the game level instead of waiting 1 minute  every time to play the game again . 

Thank you for feedback!

Deleted 1 year ago

The art is specially good! The background music fits well the game.

But as you play, you never know what will happen, so it's frustrating not knowing exactly what you did wrong. IMO It would be far better if there were more player feedback on what can happen on each step.

Not sure how this should be done tbh, but for example, you don't have any hint that the bear will eat you, or that the floor will crack when you step on it.

But it's nicely done considering you made it in 3 days!

I am very pleased! This is my first experience in participating in a game jam, and I did not expect such praise! Sorry for all the cons.

Don't be sorry, you did a great job. I gave 5 stars for the art and the music. It was really good. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Wow! Great game! :)

Deleted 1 year ago